The real history of tiramisu begins in the 1960s, or in the 1970s, which allows us to consider it relatively new.

The first written mention was in an article by Giuseppe di Clemente, dated 1971. In 1981, Giuseppe Maffioli wrote in the magazine “Vin Veneto” that tiramisu was created by a pastry chef Roberto Linguanotto in the late 60s, who was the owner of the restaurant “Le Beccherie” in Treviso. Giuseppe Maffioli emphasized that the name “tiramisu” (Italian: Tira mi sù – lifts me up) was given due to its nutritious ingredients, not aphrodisiac effects.
The recipe can also be found in a book “I dolci del Veneto (1983) and “Cucina e tradizioni del Veneto”.
Along with the above written evidence, there are many legends.
Some believe that this popular Italian dessert was first made in Siena (Tuscany) for the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo III de’ Medici and was named “Zuppa del duca”.
There are also legends of creating this dessert at restaurants “El Toula” and “Al Fogher”.
On 8 October 2006, the Baltimore Sun newspaper published an article claiming that Carminantonio Iannakkone, who lived in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, created tiramisu on 24 December 1969.