A fajita in Tex-Mex and Mexican cuisine is any grilled meat that is served on a flour or corn tortilla.

– 12 flour tortillas
– 200g soured cream
– 3 chicken breasts
– 4 tbsp olive oil
– 2 garlic cloves, crushed
– 1 lime
– 0.5 tsp chilli powder
– 0.5 tsp ground cumin
– Coriander, finely chopped
– 1 large red onion, cut into thin wedges
– 1 red and 2 yellow peppers, cut into thin strips
– 100g cherry tomatoes, halved

Cooking instructions:
1. Cut chicken breasts into thin strips. Put them in a bowl, add 2 tbsp of olive oil, garlic, juice of a lime, chilli powder, ground cumin and rub into the chicken with your hands.
2. Heat the remaining oil for the pepper mix in a large frying pan and fry the onion wedges until softened, approximately 6 minutes.
3. Turn the heat up high so the wedges char slightly at the edges, season well and set aside.
4. Add the peppers and cook them until softened, then transfer to the baking tray with the onions.
5. Cook the tomatoes for 6 minutes and add them to the peppers.
6. Using the same frying pan, cook the chicken over a high heat until golden. Add chicken to the peppers.
7. Heat the tortillas and serve with sour cream.